Monday, February 24, 2014

1/144 Wing Gundam 0 (1995 Release)

Okay, so I've been doing other builds other than the Lance and Hallberd add-on.

here is one of them. 1/144 Wing Gundam 0 (recast - 1995 Release)

I dunno why i decided to paint this kit..maybe because it was too dull, or maybe the hype of the Master Grade Wing Proto-Zero. Usually this kind of kit can be built in just a few hours, but me, i've been doing this build since January. oh my!! im so slow building this one.

here is one of the shot i mange to make while doing panel lines with the Wing's head

when will i finish this kit T_T

next time i hope i'll be posting this kit fully built.  : p

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tallgeese Work In Progress

Bought the kit last February 2013 from an Online Seller, but unfortunately because of the busy schedule and moving from the old office to a new one, i got no time building this the Work-In-Progress takes a very long time.

was about to blog it during the WIP, but my laziness struck me!! T_T

here are the photos i manage to make while doing this kit